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About Us

Learn The Music From The Core & Become Mastery

ZMW Music School was officiated on 1st September 2019 by the Chief Minister of Melaka and currently run by the CEO & Principal, Sir Zaini Abbas (Ethnomusicologist) with more than 20 years experience in music and performing arts.


CEO & Principal

ZMW Music School

Why Choose Us

We Give You The Best Facilities to Learning

ZMW Music Education

ZMW Edu-Animation

ZMW Studio

ZMW Talk-Show

Join Our Class

Learn The Music From The Core & Become Mastery

Located in the historical city of Melaka, Malaysia, Zai Music World (ZMW) provides modern and traditional music courses and programs, international certification and career path, adding value to the nation’s education sector and creative industry.

Brief introduction

A smile is always the best form of introduction

Located in the historical city of Melaka, Malaysia, Zai Music World (ZMW) provides modern and traditional music courses and programs, international certification and career path, adding value to the nation’s education sector and creative industry.

ZMW Music School was officiated on 1st September 2019 by the Chief Minister of Melaka and currently run by the CEO & Principal, Sir Zaini Abbas (Ethnomusicologist) with more than 20 years experience in music and performing arts.

Business Model



Offering education programs with International Certification Standards. Providing higher education path and career path via Trinity College of London and ASWARA.


Embarking in R&D of Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) to meet the demand of IR4.0 in music education. Introducing the first Edu-Gaming and Edu-Animation in Malaysia, in collaboration with prestigious universities and Government agencies.


Providing continuing professional development feeding the workforce and creative industry via Pusat Latihan Sijil Kemahiran Malaysia (SKM). Ensuring learning environment that welcomes and respects diversity.


Giving opportunity to all levels of society to experience music via charity initiatives of #ZMWCares program. Forging strategic collaboration with Govt agencies, corp entities and NGOs to ensure sustainability via Young Entrepreneurs Program (YEP).

Our Vission

To be the leading integrated education provider in Asia.

Where there is no vision, there is no hope – George Washington 

Our Mission

Mission clear and true

  • We provide quality music education for both modern and traditional music through international certification and innovation.
  • We develop talent and career paths, adding value to the nation’s education sector economy and creative industry.
  • We foster team synergy with passion to achieve excellence and growth.
Why Choose Us

Specializes In

  • Modern and Traditional Music Courses: Accreditation by Trinity College of London and collaboration with Akademi Seni Budaya dan Warisan Kebangsaan Malaysia (ASWARA)
  • Education Technology: Development of Virtual Reality (VR) in Traditional Music, EduGaming and EduAnimation and App
  • Young Entrepreneurs Program: Developing Business Minds through Music Skills and Culture in collaboration with Government agencies, Corporate entities and NGOs
  • Fun Learning for preschoolers, students and adults
  • Music Production and Talent Search