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ZMW always provide the best service.
- Music Clases
- Edu-Animation
- Edu-Gaming
- Bengkel Seni
- Young Entreprenours Programs
- Program Tunjuk Bakat kita

- Piano Lessons
- 8 years old and above
- Group: 1 hour twice a week.
- Individual: 30 minutes four time a week
- Understand the importance of touch keyboarding
- Learn correct keyboarding techniques
- Able to play contemporary and favorite songs.
- Apply correct keyboarding techniques and safety techniques of relaxation and exercise to prevent computer-related disabilities such as carpal tunnel and eyestrain.
- Guitar Lessons
- 6 years old and above (Electric/Acoustic Guitar)
- 10 years old and above (Bass)
- Group: 1 hour twice a week
- Individual: 30 minutes four time a week
- Learn how to read tablature and standard notation.
- Know how to tune a guitar, the names of the strings, parts of the guitar, major and minor scale, all 5 basic chord shapes.
- Learn fingerboard knowledge, basic techniques, chords, strumming, basic improvisation, basics of finger-style technique.
- Understand the basic concepts in music theory that can be used to read and write music and figure out songs by ear.
- Able to strum contemporary and favorite songs.
- Drum Lessons
- 6 years old and above
- Group: 1 hour twice a week
- Individual: 30 minutes four time a week
- Demonstrate techniques for playing drums.
- Move to music while singing or playing instruments.
- Improvise new drumming ensemble patterns.
- Listen actively and critically to various styles of music.
- Understand and demonstrate the value and techniques of cooperative teamwork.
- Communicate better with others by having learned how to listen to others, respect for the need of others to have their own musical and personal space, the importance of leaving spaces (silence) for others to drum (speak) and how to lead and how to follow (solo and back-up).

- Violin Lessons
- 6 years old and above
- Group: 1 hour twice a week
- Individual: 30 minutes four time a week
- Identify a violin, label the parts of a violin and understand terminology related to string instruments and the violin.
- Understand the techniques of the applied instrument and the ways of using them effectively in practice.
- Understand scales and arpeggios, technical studies and etudes as assigned, standard repertoire from all periods of music and efficient practicing/practice techniques.
- Flute Lessons
- 6 years old and above
- Group: 1 hour twice a week
- Individual: 30 minutes four time a week
- Obtain a fluency in music notation(s) for the flute.
- Understand and improve the basic fundamentals of flute playing.
- Learn practical knowledge of flute pedagogy at an appropriate level as demonstrated within the individual lesson.
- Demonstrate progressive achievement of competence in flute performance, including a developed technical capability to produce artistic/intellectual goals.
- Development of tone, technical and rhythmical accuracy, scales, etudes, solo repertoire, mind and body awareness (physical and mental) and performance skills.
- Vocal Lessons
- 10 years old and above
- Group: 1 hour twice a week
- Individual: 30 minutes four time a week
- Learn to extend vocal range and how to hit the high notes.
- Learn vocal distortion and vocal rasp techniques.
- Develop your head voice for a four-octave range.
- Learn how to get your voice into cry vocal mode.
- Learn about singing vowels and onsets.
- How to train the voice for contemporary styles.
- Develop self-confidence and showmanship.
- Customize your own vocal workouts to fix your unique vocal problems.
Music Classes
Group classes

Price & Fee
Please read all requirement to join any program such as age. You can see more the price by click each title or check each course
Digital Content
ZMW Edu-Animation
Propelling Malaysia’s Digital Content Industry Forward
The digital content industry includes animation, games, visual effects, new media and infrastructure platforms sectors. From 2013 to 2017, these sectors collectively grew by 6%, generating RM7.9 billion in revenue. At present, there are more than 370 studios in Malaysia directly involved in various stages of development and production, invoicing over 11,00 jobs.

Gamification in Education
ZMW Edu-Gaming
Gamification is one of the most upcoming global trends for learning. The use of gamification in education is structured towards solving learning problems and working towards improving the short attention spans for the millennial generation.
Malaysia has been at the forefront of understanding and promoting gamification on different platforms. The Malaysian Multimedia Development Corporation or the Malaysian Digital Economy Corporation (MDeC) has been a leader in carrying out research on this aspect of learning. MDeC has trained and encourages various organizations in the country to use gamification platforms to manage their businesses, transform their organizational culture and promote their brand name.
We Give you The Best Environment to Learning
– Parents Testimonial
Bengkel Seni
Young Entreprenours Programs
Program Tunjuk Bakat kita
Why Choose Us
We Give You The Best Facilities to Learning
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ZMW Music Education
ZMW Edu-Animation
ZMW Studio
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Learn The Music From The Core & Become Mastery
Located in the historical city of Melaka, Malaysia, Zai Music World (ZMW) provides modern and traditional music courses and programs, international certification and career path, adding value to the nation’s education sector and creative industry.
Our Teacher
Our Expert Teacher
Tell me, and I forget. Show me, and I remember. Involve me, and I understand.” – Chinese proverb
- Bachelor in Ethnomusicology (Cum Laude), SSTI
- Classical Guitar, Trinity College of Music, London
- 20 years in music education programs & operations
- Technical Director, Composer & Music Producer at ZMW
Brief introduction
A smile is always the best form of introduction
Located in the historical city of Melaka, Malaysia, Zai Music World (ZMW) provides modern and traditional music courses and programs, international certification and career path, adding value to the nation’s education sector and creative industry.
ZMW Music School was officiated on 1st September 2019 by the Chief Minister of Melaka and currently run by the CEO & Principal, Sir Zaini Abbas (Ethnomusicologist) with more than 20 years experience in music and performing arts.
Business Model
Offering education programs with International Certification Standards.
Providing higher education path and career path via Trinity College of London and ASWARA.
Embarking in R&D of Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) to meet the demand of IR4.0 in music education.
Introducing the first Edu-Gaming and Edu-Animation in Malaysia, in collaboration with prestigious universities and Government agencies.
Providing continuing professional development feeding the workforce and creative industry via Pusat Latihan Sijil Kemahiran Malaysia (SKM).
Ensuring learning environment that welcomes and respects diversity.
Giving opportunity to all levels of society to experience music via charity initiatives of #ZMWCares program.
Forging strategic collaboration with Govt agencies, corp entities and NGOs to ensure sustainability via Young Entrepreneurs Program (YEP).
Our Vission
To be the leading integrated education provider in Asia.
Where there is no vision, there is no hope – George Washington
Our Mission
- We provide quality music education for both modern and traditional music through international certification and innovation.
- We develop talent and career paths, adding value to the nation’s education sector economy and creative industry.
- We foster team synergy with passion to achieve excellence and growth.
Why Choose Us
Specializes In
- Modern and Traditional Music Courses: Accreditation by Trinity College of London and collaboration with Akademi Seni Budaya dan Warisan Kebangsaan Malaysia (ASWARA).
- Education Technology: Development of Virtual Reality (VR) in Traditional Music, EduGaming and EduAnimation.
- Young Entrepreneurs Program: Developing Business Minds through Music Skills and Culture in collaboration with Government agencies, Corporate entities and NGOs.
- Fun Learning for preschoolers, students and adults.
- Music Production and Talent Search.